Digital1Discourse par{ini9oa}

by craig   Feb 24, 2004

Hey Cloudless long time no hear...received your reply late last night, but I was just going to bed. This time lag can be a bummer!!! Does produce a disjointed rapport of a kind. Glad you liked the photo. Yes you are right the long face is to do with a girl (again!) but more of that in a minute. Bumped into AdvanceStateofParanoia the other day. Was moaning that you still haven't sent him his virus. As usual he thinks some kind of conspiracy is going on. Yawn,yawn!!! Bless him (lol) I dunno, some people seem to live such bland lives that they have to romanticize every banal incident!!! Yours truly included!!! :);) (I seem to have picked up an irresistible urge to emphasize everything these days with a!!! (lol) But enough carefree banter. Well you should have seen her Cloud, fire-engine red dress, long black hair, untanned complexion like porcelain, just my type (as you know!!!) I couldn't look away and then one thing led to another and before I knew it we were hurling ourselves into a pit of carnal abandon. Suddenly but quite naturally we became a couple. Started off how all relationships do; staying up all night talking, walks in the park, presenting the best version of ourselves, etc.etc you get the general idea but then she went a bit distant. Lately when I'm kissing her she isn't kissing me if you know what i mean, her little face doesn`t light up when I walk in the room anymore and when I'm talking she doesn`t have anything to say except one word responses. I kept telling myself its my (overactive!) imagination, but then the other day the phone went. When I picked up the receiver no one was there, and its happened a few times since. She also gets back from work 15 minutes later than she used to. I feel sick and cant think straight, never felt this way about anyone before. As ever Cloudless your sage advice and peerless wisdom on such matters (coupled with your intricate understanding of me) would be gratefully appreciated. Yours truly...par{ini9oa} doubt ASoParanoia will intercept this and reply too...Oh..Sh*t!!! (lol)


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  • 21 years ago

    by Danielle

    I didn't undersatnd this... How dumb CAN I Be? :/, i gave you a 5 anyway

  • 21 years ago

    by Michelle

    This was just WOW Craig..I mean, seriously, where do you come UP with this stuff???? HUH??? I can't believe the elaborate comments on my poems and others I've seen when you write like this!!! You have an extremely creative mind obviously!!! Take care! Luv Michelle :)