Change, rearange

by Alyssa T   Feb 24, 2004

You telling me you want me to change, rearrange
I look in the mirror see a face in ashamed
who let this girl come out of this box so crazy untamed
you telling her all these thing and mess with her head
she wishes she was dead from the words that you have said
So maybe it's time to change rearrange
she sitting here with a needle in her hand, she's felling insane
I think its time you realize your living life in vain
she stuck the needle in her arm she feels the throbbing pain
to bad nobody can relate to what she's feeling
and to bad nobody wants to help her because i know that she'll be willing
she stuck the gun in her bag she's ready to start the killing
but then she wakes up sweat drippin down her face her hearts beating its pounding at a steady pace
She looked at her arms pretty much the same as everyday
but today she realizes she needs to change, rearrange


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  • 21 years ago

    by SadGirl420

    That's crazy alyssa. It was really good

  • 21 years ago

    by Alyssa T

    Hey thats really good!!!

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