Since 9-11

by Nelle   Jun 26, 2006

How was your trip in North Korea
Fighting for us all to survive
You put your life on the line
To protect us and our family tree

You have been gone a year
And tonight i will finally see you
Will i see bruises and scars
Or will i see you, how you used to be

Do you like fighting for your country
Do like living over there
Do you like not seeing the family
Is it something you can bear

You have made me proud
You put a smile on my face
You are definitely not a disgrace
You are what makes the world go round

I'm proud to say you are my cousin
I'm proud to say you are fighting for us
I'm proud to say you would risk your life
Just for all of us to live right


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  • 18 years ago

    by Krisanta

    I liked this poem but you always did good im so proud of you if you only knew just beacuse we hardle talk dont think twice i love you more then life still stay up girl! im here and always will be. loved the poem. _krisanta_

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