
by Archangel   Jun 27, 2006

Open up to life to view
a flower bloom toward the sun
its beauty indescribable
there are many but you look to one

love is like a flower blooming
you look to one and see
her beauty growing more and more
and know she is the key

don't let go of your flower
don't let it blow away
just let that person know
you think of them all day

i had a flower once
her beauty without words
i guess my sun wasn't bright enough
she'll never know my words


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  • 17 years ago

    by Greg Beam

    This is excellent. great rhythm and great word usage. the meaning is great. if this really happened to u im very sorry. keep up the great writing

  • 18 years ago

    by Grotesque Angel

    You know Im not one for sappy notes (shut up Suzie :P) and you know that you'll always be my friend. You've been there through my greatest moments of weakness.

    So again that was awesome work.

    Peace out.

  • 18 years ago

    by katie

    That was a awesome poem i loved it its cute keep writtng i loved it :) ~Kate~

  • 18 years ago

    by Lady Vengeance

    That was soooooo beautiful. The bit about ur sun not being bright enough made me almost cry. If you need to talk, or for that amtter need anything at all. . . . .
    love ya always

  • 18 years ago

    by Wings Of Flames

    I will always be here for such an amazing friend.

    I wish I could stop youre pain and have it all upon me.
    But I can't and I can only help you through.
    As a friend I'll always love you,
    You'll be forever in my heart.
    I'll never forget you're greatness or your smile.

    And you shall get through.
    But it shall take time, it always does.
    Always and forever,
    ~Emma, Moo Moo, Em