Perfect Little Girls Suicide Story

by -Ѕнэ đιεđ ѕсѓεάміηĝ-   Jun 27, 2006

There once was a girl
Blessed with love and grace
Beauty and kindness
And a pretty face

Long was her hair
Brown were her eyes
Loved by so many
Touched so many lives

The girl, she grew up
In a small country town
In a friendly community
Through its ups and downs

She got good marks
She had many friends
No one would guess
How her life would end

One night she went to party
Her friend was turning sixteen
There she left at midnight
Never again was she seen

Her parents were devastated
Not knowing where their little girl could be
They made tv appeals to people
To set their little girl free

The newspapers were in a frenzy
They called her cinderella, who left the ball
But the sadness of this story was
She would not come home at all

They searched the small town high and low
But no trace of the girl was found
People soon gave up their hope
But to the search her parents were bound

Her parents never gave up hope
That their daughter may still have been alive
But deep in their hearts they knew
It was unlikly she had survived

Then one day a few years ago
While clearing out her room
Her parents found a note
Explaining their daughters doom

in the note thier daughter wrote
she explaind why she had gone
and for them not to worry
She had left the world on her own

She was deeply unhappy
And even though she hid it well
She found she could no longer live
In the place she thought was hell

She told them she commited suicide
She died at her favourite place
And that was where they found her body
Allowing police to close the case

So if their is anyone out their
contemplating suicide
Please think of the ones that love you
And how much you will hurt them by saying goodbye

*Please vote and comment cause i really like this one, and i promise to return the favor, Mel*


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  • 15 years ago

    by VeinsofHate

    That was a perfect heartbreaking poem. I loved it. It just brings in tears.

  • 16 years ago

    by Saving Grace

    Just simply amazing. You have such brilliant talent. The flow and rhymes were excellent. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by BrokenVodkaBottle

    This is really good,
    I recently jus added a poem about suicide called
    to late for sorry;

    I really like this
    an enjoyed the storey.
    Maybe should of included more of why she wasnt happy.

  • 16 years ago

    by charlie

    Wow that was rea;;y good keep up the brill work :) well done :) 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by sophie

    Your more than amazing...
    this is amazing
    i loveyou x

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