Comments : My baby boy

  • 21 years ago

    by ~*ErYkUh*~

    Amanda, that made me cry..your poem is very touching. i Gave it a 5. You know amanda...Everything in this world happens for a reason, and Im sure it was for the best. Always keep in touch with him, let him know that your around eventhough you couldnt keep him. And dont ever give up, You'll see that at the end, when he gets older He will understand and love you just as much as you do. hang in there and take care of yourself. *Erika*

  • 20 years ago

    by Marta

    Very well written poem Amanda. That must of been so sad to give up your son to another family, I couldn't imagine. But I wanna thank you for your comment, I really really appreciate it alot! Hit me with a message, thanks once again! The poem was awesome, you're amazing. :0)