Wishing And Missing

by Dasiy   Jun 27, 2006

Wish I could tell you what I want to say
Just wish we still talked like we did before we went away
I miss your smile
Miss the way you made me feel better,
I just miss looking into your eyes
And dreaming about you and I
The only thing is I know you'll never feel the same way
You did so much that you'll never know, you made me feel like a brand new girl
I wish i could make you feel the same way as i do
Just wish i could call you mine
But i know I can't make you feel the same way as i do toward you
I know i can never make you mine
I miss the way you made me laugh
The way we thought the same on somethings, even if it wasn't everything
I know we had more then meets the odd in common
I miss just walking by you and seeing you
I miss just sitting by you, even if we never talked.
I just miss being around you
That one night we had before, I wish i could go back in time, so we could be together again
Wish we could cuddle like we did that night
Wish we could just have that night again
I miss sitting there, talking and looking into your eyes
I miss that kissed we shared just miss being so close to you
I wish i could kiss you one more time
Wish i could sleep with you for one more night
Just wish i could be with you every night
And then we could lay beside each other like we did that morning
Even though i can't be with you, I'll always have feelings for you
I'll never stop thinking about you
And everything will stay the same
I miss you and always will
Just wish i would be able to tell you that i love you and always will
You know it is true when i say that word, because sweetie you know i don't like to use the word love, and i never say it to anyone
Just wish you knew everything
Just wish i told you before you left
Its going to tear me apart that i never had the courage to tell you
To let you know how i felt toward you
So i guess I'll keep on living thinking about what would happened if you knew
But even though you don't know i like you
I guess thats okay, because i can't do anything about that
But I'll hold on to the me,memories
we made together in the past
Even the ones you might not know about
The ones i hold inside
So I'll miss you forever
But never forget you
Just wish i could tell you
Just wish you knew everything


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Good poem. i can relate... i wrote poems similair to this.. u should check em out.!!