Turn on the telly, open the paper.
Hear of the brute thief and the rapist.
Bombings and shootings, murders and raids.
The memory lives as the damage fades.
Racism, prejudice, holocausts, cruel.
We listen like lazy and dumbfounded fools.
The evil escape and the innocent die,
As we watch on and wonder why.
Go off to work, go off to school,
Hear of the jock, the geek and the fool.
Cat fights and punch ups, teenage pranks,
Girls screaming, wog, or loser, or skank.
Racism, prejudice, holocausts, cruel.
All going on every day at school.
We go home to the telly,
We flick through the paper,
And curse the terrorists, racists and rapists.
But if we saw our own lives on the TV screen,
Perhaps we would see that we're just as mean.
On a smaller scale, but in the same universe,
We're just as bad as the people we curse.
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones,
And when we learn this we can live as one.