Life is hard
but worrying about stupid things is harder
don't think about it so much
that's when you start to get smarter
ask yourself
do i live for those people?
why should you,
they don't live for you
problems aren't something you need to show
and go through
and start letting go
you're living life for yourself
not them
you tell them one thing
but they don't listen
they say what you want to hear
and they don't let you hear anything else
partying and being stupid
not caring about their health
why do you wanna be so young
and worry everyday
about all these punks
get over them
cause they're over you
you might love them and
what do you hear them say,
i love you too?
or just that day?
is it what you want to hear
but don't listen
let it go in one ear
and out the other
but if you think about it
would he be better
as more of a brother?
don't be mad about people
that don't care if you're
stop feeling bad
do good for now on
life will pull you along
just keep your head up
and stay strong.