A Walk to Remember

by BlueAngel   Jun 29, 2006

A kind of peace of which i've never known is found just across this bridge
A serenity in which my heart bathes in,
making it whole and unbroken again
I look behind and two shadows follow
one my own,and one to remove my sorrow
The second has wings of which only I can see
What I see now is the angel assigned to me
I feel a brush of wings and he's gone from my sight
but I continue to feel him there,
when i'm scared of the night
The sky has turned blue and it's almost fully dark
The sun has risen and set and will again as day and night part
but this will only happen when I truly discover what's inside my heart


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  • 17 years ago

    by DrowningDreams

    I rated this peom 5 because it is truely Magical!! xx

  • 17 years ago

    by tryinXtoXholdXmyXheadXup

    This is a great poem, so calm and mellow, the imagery is great to, keep it up,

  • 18 years ago

    by WhiTneY

    Hey thnx for the comment... i cant really come up with anything unless i am really heart broken.. so thnx... lol...
    <33 whitney

  • 18 years ago

    by Krissey

    Great job on this poem! I liked the imagery and overall feeling of peacefulness you've created here. Well done!!
    -Kristy (Krissey)

    *Chelsey and I would really appreciate it if you would check out our latest collab, "Two voices unheard." It's under the name, "Krissey." Thank you!!