If you have a prayer request

by Chelsey   Jun 30, 2006

Let me tell you what I did today
I held a picture in my hand and sat on the bed
I had drew a picture of the world when I was little
And I prayed that it would no longer fall to shreds

I sat on my bed and prayed today
While singing “How great is our God”
A song that’ll bring churches to their knees
Or make them stand and applaud

I then grabbed pictures of my friends
And some of the family too
I held my hands up and cried
Asking God to heal whatever it is they may be going through

That’s when I felt the urge and push
To write this poem your reading here
In hopes to bring some of you comfort
And to dry some of your tears

It may be hard to read my words
Because we can’t trust strangers anymore
But know that this stranger cares so much for you
I want so badly to heal your cut or sore

I want you to know there is a 15 year old
Who is mature enough to listen to your words
Who will take your words and hold them in her hands
And pray, knowing her voice will be heard

I’m not ashamed to pray in front of someone
And if we ever bump into each other on the street
Just fall to your knees and grab my hands
I’ll pray right there on that very concrete

If your family isn’t the Godly type
I understand, I’ve been down that road
I know some might wish they can turn to family
But they may turn you down so fast it’ll make you explode

That’s why I’m writing this poem today
For those of you in desperate need
I’d like to pray for you right now
If you feel that you have to speak, then lead

I want people to know someone will pray for them
I want you to know that person is me
Tell me of how you are hurting today
And I promise I’ll pray for you on my knees

If you have no clue how to pray
If you have not a clue how to start
I’ll help you in any way, shape, or form
And promise I’ll try and touch your heart

I don’t think I’ve ever met a teen
Who will say these words that I speak to you
So please know I’m speaking honestly
And all these “promises” ring from my mouth so true

If you have a prayer request today
My inbox is never closed
Feel free to pour your heart out to me
Your secrets will never be exposed

I’ll print your e-mail out right then
Since I can not place a hand on your head
I’ll pray for the e-mail of your hurting words
And pray “father may tears no longer be shed”

Some think a prayer from a 15 year old
Will be a couple words then be the end
But I promise you I could go on for minutes
As if I am actually praying for a close friend

Someone cares about you all
And that person is me
If you have a prayer request today
Just type out a simple “I need prayer please”


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by DarkLight

    I think God himself spoke thru u.n i luv the courage potraid in the poem may t b Gods wil nt to evr frsake his people...
    pple like u..
    pple hu dwel in the Spirit of the Raisen king..may blessins always salute u wenever u kol fr them..may God always open ua doors..in times of need may he protect n guide u with his hand..n dat favour may b found in u forever.b blessed.

  • 13 years ago

    by East Poetry

    What a giving Poem this is, you have such a big heart, I really enjoyed reading this... in fact I read it twice. Somehow I didn't notice it was rhyming the first time I read through it, I was just thoroughly enjoying the message. Then I hit me... this poem is rhyming! And it was my fault I didn't catch it... reading through it the second time was even more enjoyable. I too have a testimony of prayer and believe we should all pray more often and for each other. God bless you and your heart... for it is white as snow.

    First stanza:
    Drew should be Drawn

  • 13 years ago

    by RObC

    Awesome keep ahold of your faith. God loves us so much. It is good to pray for others.
    God bless you. .

  • 15 years ago

    by AJ

    Nvm. i cant nominate it... :(

  • 15 years ago

    by AJ

    This is one of the most beautiful poems I have EVER read. The way you are able to keep up so many rhymes is astounding, and the message this sends is clearly from the heart. Great job Chels, I am going to nominate this one.
