Comments : If you have a prayer request

  • 18 years ago

    by Raychil

    Chels, this poem was so the "it was nice and caring" kind of way :). You have a big heart and a great talent. This was a beautiful poem.

    - Thanks for all the comments you give me, you really help build up my confidence in my writing, and I need it, its a rather low confidence haha. Thank you :).

    P.S. I'd like you to pray for me...thanks..

  • 18 years ago

    by holly

    This is an absolutely fantastic poem not just thats its written well and easy to understand what you are saying is so kind and caring and well its so unusual in todays society to come across a stranger that really cares that much. thankyou for writting that its so great to be reminded once in a while that there are people who care about other, ill pray for you to if just to thank God for the amazing person you are
    Love and Smiles

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaylee

    Chels, even though this poem was long, I had to keep reading through it as it started to make me feel better about some things. Almost like somebody undersands.

  • 18 years ago

    by Truest Lies

    What an angel! I've never known someone so willing to pray for someone else. Usually my prayers add up to "Why do you do this to me" and so on. But you seemed to simply believe, with all your soul, without shame. That is a very special thing for anyone to have, or to truly feel.

    Your poem was a heart-touching look at your soul, and if I am any judge of souls, then you are a beautiful person.


  • 18 years ago

    by Trish

    I LOVED THIS POEM!!! It's exactly how I feel about anyone. I am 15 yrs. old to and I will also pray for anyone who is in need of a prayer. I have let god into my heart with that very song this song talks about. The first time I heard this song I took it as a sign that I was suppose to me a messenger for God as well. So I really love your poem, it brings out a lot of memories for me and it's just really good. I would also like to ask you to pray for my cousin Brandon Wester. He is very ill and could use all the prayers he could get about now.

  • 18 years ago

    by Juls

    I have never been so speechless by a poem b4. That was so so touching. I think the people that are not into relgious things have a sense of God in them from just reading this.

    I never read any of your work before and now Im glad I have so I can look forward to more!


  • This is a very touching poem. I do not pray or believe in God. Good job 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Kasie

    This was a well written poem. It really touched me like none before. The first time I read this, I couldn't finish it because of the tears i was shedding. So I had to go back and finish it.... still brought tears to my eyes. Its great to know that there are still people out there who still believes and still lives for God, I myself feel the same way you do. I can tell that you have changed a lot of lives, and will begin to change more and more as you grow older. Your a great poet and a loving person, keep it up. =) 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Aimee

    I need prayer please.

  • 15 years ago

    by AJ

    This is one of the most beautiful poems I have EVER read. The way you are able to keep up so many rhymes is astounding, and the message this sends is clearly from the heart. Great job Chels, I am going to nominate this one.


  • 15 years ago

    by AJ

    Nvm. i cant nominate it... :(

  • 13 years ago

    by RObC

    Awesome keep ahold of your faith. God loves us so much. It is good to pray for others.
    God bless you. .

  • 13 years ago

    by East Poetry

    What a giving Poem this is, you have such a big heart, I really enjoyed reading this... in fact I read it twice. Somehow I didn't notice it was rhyming the first time I read through it, I was just thoroughly enjoying the message. Then I hit me... this poem is rhyming! And it was my fault I didn't catch it... reading through it the second time was even more enjoyable. I too have a testimony of prayer and believe we should all pray more often and for each other. God bless you and your heart... for it is white as snow.

    First stanza:
    Drew should be Drawn

  • 12 years ago

    by DarkLight

    I think God himself spoke thru u.n i luv the courage potraid in the poem may t b Gods wil nt to evr frsake his people...
    pple like u..
    pple hu dwel in the Spirit of the Raisen king..may blessins always salute u wenever u kol fr them..may God always open ua times of need may he protect n guide u with his hand..n dat favour may b found in u forever.b blessed.