by Ike Dizzle Jun 30, 2006
category :
Sadness, depression /
grieving, loss
Why did you have to go |
I liked the last two lines of the first stanza, it was a good way of putting death. Even though, they were the same words and the end of every other line, stanza three was my favorite, but I don't know why. |
Awww, this is sad.. And hope u can find the way to get yourself better comfort, filling spot for you. Nicely done! |
by lisa
This is a great poem did a great job...5/ sorry i hope you find comfort. |
This is an awesome piece.The feelings of friendship and love and loss are conveyed very well, but it is the ending that really has such a powerful impact.Blown away.Great piece. |
by Raychel
...the last stanza seemed slightly...i dont know...morbid i guess...but im not saying morbid is bad lol! i love how u put this...straight to the point. 5/5 |