
by KAP DAR   Jul 2, 2006

I am nott of this time and don't belong here
no not know one
can't make me stay
theres a path ive chosen
i go my own way
ignorance is bliss
in this assuming world
i stay away
in my unassuming place
in some other time
where time is still
all just is still i sense
a world moving at a frantic pace
this is the ugliness people reflect
on to others from a selfish need gratifying there own hell
they think is life
but who am i
this wont make me
who you think
i am
my mind is beyond cowmen law
of thought i don't run among the flock i go my own way
bearing no cross
for this the price is borrowed
it will surly be our own
what is far is far
now ask your self why i care
when alls you are to me
are holograms of distant light
fragments until you touch on reality
nothing is solid all sine out...


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