Digital2Discourse Cloudless

by craig   Feb 26, 2004

Par{ini9oa} you old scallywag!!!, good to hear your still alive old son! Hey guess what, that virus AdvanceStateofParanoia was waiting for, it really is a virus! HaHaHa And he thought I was being antiphrastic!! Don\'t tell. It wont kick in till the weekend!! Tee Hee.
Now Par dear boy on with the biz. Well well sounds like you really are in love this time, its the first time I`ve known you to use more than two syllables to describe a girlfriend!!! And shes living with you already! Know what that bachelor pad meant to you ;)(lol) Yes you are perfectly right, I do know you intricately, better than you think in fact! The affluence of a decadent society has been running through your infected veins for many a year now and knowing you, your trying to act all male on the poor girl, expecting everything from her for little in return.
You`ve gone past that delicious superficiality of the honeymoon period and find yourself in unknown territory. Now comes the graft dear boy! This is were the boys are sorted from the men.
`her face doesn\'t light up when I walk in the room anymore`!!! I mean please, are you being serious??? Cant you hear yourself!! What are you expecting, her to throw herself at your feet in a ball of obedience. Or maybe get down on her knees and look up at you with pleading puppy eyes? What could you possible have to offer her in a relationship with an attitude like that? You`ve got to grow up old son, your living with a full grown women now, with her own needs and passions and a great big beating heart that has to be caressed and nurtured and held as if you were cradling a snowflake in the palm of your hand. Because if you mistreat it!!! well Par dear boy, you will soon know about it!!!(lol). Make HER feel important for a change, make HER feel special instead of waiting for her to fan and stroke your ego.
Whether your a kitten or a queen, a puppy or a president, we all need to be loved. We all need to feel wanted. Basic genetics! Dont just tell her that you love her, SHOW her that you love her.
`shes not kissing me back` Well Par my old son knowing you your trying to climb down her throat every-time! Have a bit of tender subtlety. Read `life is a magical gift` if you don\'t know what I mean. Hi Chris!!!(lol) Stop thinking of her as some s*xual conquest, a measurement of your masculinity, and start thinking of her as a person. (Maybe that concept is too alien for you!!!) A living, breathing vibrant personality, crammed full of hopes and desires of her own.
`shes 15 minutes late home from work` I can`t believe i`m bloody reading this. 15minutes! And you say AdvanceStateofParanoia is paranoid! Calm yourself, it`s that unreasonable insecurity, it comes with the territory of being in love. Also sounds like your in the early stages of becoming possessive old bean. Be warned, possessiveness is like acid to any relationship, those gentle, unspoken loving moments are the first to be eroded, soon followed by the pet names, pizza and video Friday night cuddle ups, holding hands etc etc you get my drift (Don\'t Ya?)
` when I pick up phone no ones there` Get a new phone you t*t, I`ve been trying to ring you for the last few months and hav`nt been able to get through! HaHaHa sounds like you`ve been worrying your silly little head over nothing. So if ASoP contacts you, just ignore him. I`ve heard hes trying to do his laughable impression of a loose cannon again!!!

Anyway really must go par{ini9oa}... old buddy. These transatlantic tete ta tetes are becoming addictive! Hope it all goes well old son, let me know how you get on...Ever-Yours...Cloudless...By the way whats the weather like back home?...I miss the rain!!!(lol)...Oh almost forgot, don`t use the word bloke. I`ve forgotten what it means!(lol)


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  • 21 years ago

    by Michelle

    Caressed, and nurtured, and held as if you were cradeling a snowflake in the palm of your hand???? wowwwwwwww...the words you use, my God, Craig...I am stunned every time I read something you write. I know what the words mean, of course, but wouldn't think of them at the right time to save my soul!!!! I really have to break out of this rut!!! and the AdvancedstateofParanoia line..God, I love that...tooooo freakin funny. Nice kudos to Chris in your poem there too ;) you're right, that poem rocks too so nice compliment to him there. You are a terrific writer Craig, don't ever stop ok...I'd love to read anything you wrote..Hug...Luv Michelle :)