Comments : Digital2Discourse Cloudless

  • 21 years ago

    by Michelle

    Caressed, and nurtured, and held as if you were cradeling a snowflake in the palm of your hand???? wowwwwwwww...the words you use, my God, Craig...I am stunned every time I read something you write. I know what the words mean, of course, but wouldn't think of them at the right time to save my soul!!!! I really have to break out of this rut!!! and the AdvancedstateofParanoia line..God, I love that...tooooo freakin funny. Nice kudos to Chris in your poem there too ;) you're right, that poem rocks too so nice compliment to him there. You are a terrific writer Craig, don't ever stop ok...I'd love to read anything you wrote..Hug...Luv Michelle :)