What is the meaning of this meaningless nothing?

by ღ_Bethany_ღ   Jul 3, 2006

Searching through the souls of strangers
that call themselves my friends,
looking for one I can identify with
one who can make my heart mend,

having empty conversations with these
people who probably don't care,
just waiting for a spark from someone
and a hand that says 'I'm there'

getting drunk to take away the pain
and loneliness we all go through,
and laughin with other lonely souls
who I never even knew

we all feel the same emptiness inside
but no-one is the same as me,
looking for one soul who understands
and, with love, can make me see

we're all alone in this world of souls
each searching for it's otherside
passing the day with nothingness
and in strangers we seem to confide


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  • 18 years ago

    by Momentary Relapse

    It really made me interested. Rather well and all but not something that I am truly enjoying it. I thought that the words were rather well and the flow though not as well as it could be fit this piece. Enjoyed the last stanza immensely.