Why did you do it?
you just lost your pride.
I thought you were perfect,
but your just a big lie.
I used to see you as a role model,
as someone you looked up 2.
But know i see you standing there,
and thinking to myself
(I know that i don't know you,
cause my life has just been a big lie)
How could you have done this.
You let your family down!
Then look at who your with,
a man who called himself a FRIEND!
What kind of friend does that?
Oh yea...the St#&!d @SS your seeing.
I cant believe you!
I cant believe this!
Why did you do it?
Your causing so much pain!
I hate you for this
Ill never forgive you
Trust me on this.
No one will forget,
The two traders
who caused so much pain!!!