Take the pebble from my hand.
To me it is only just a stone.
But it will help you in sand.
Sometimes you will walk alone.
I won't be there to guide you.
The great path leads to home.
To find it you have to be true.
My love goes where you roam.
Try to remember our meeting.
The time that we had together.
Salute others in greeting.
Smile in the rainy weather.
Learn from your mistakes.
Look down so you don't trip.
Crossroads you will take.
Some roads you will skip.
I wish I could go with you.
But my road is not the same.
The pebble is a pearl, too.
Seek friendship not fame.
Remember me as time passes.
Now your road will be real.
Go be with the new classes.
The burn you will now feel.
But the mark will be you.
May the pebble let you heal.
May you always remain true.