What you mean to me

by bella   Jul 7, 2006

He says lets take a break
but what does a break mean to him
how can you act like i am not there
was what i did that bad?
you say we will be together again
But in my eyes i see hate
and in my heart i know you hate me
that is the worst feeling, but in a sense i hate you too
at the same time i have no idea how i feel about you
my feelings have been scattered in my brain
giving me a throbbing headache
i thought he was different from every other guy
but i was very wrong
then when i look into his eyes i know he's perfect and what I've been looking for
but now I'm slowly losing the man of my life
i have hurt him
am i left with no way to fix what I've done
sorry won't work this time
I've noticed myself
i know what he feels i understand
and i feel like hell for treating him the way i have
I'm truly an ugly person inside
and i am ashamed


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  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    Such a bittersweet piece, well done

  • 17 years ago

    by Mihaela

    Thanks a lot for your comment.I like your poems,are great.Keep it like that! Take good care of you xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by InterviewWithTheKat

    This poem was SO well written!
    i think your a very cool writer.
    keep it up.