Comments : She Was Only 15

  • 18 years ago

    by Darien

    Wow that's sad. A funeral at the age of 15, it must have been suicide.

    Argh, I didn't like this poem much. I guess it's because I think suicide is stupid. "No one knew the pain she endured", HAHA, does she know the pain she put people through taking her own life? And it's not only one person, it's a gathering of people.

    I get the idea of the poem, it's over done. I did however, think you wrote this better than most people. You put more emotion, more effort, more thought into this poem, so for that, this has a very poetic element. Which counts for more. lol Good write.

  • 18 years ago

    by not a poet

    Once again i really like this one...alot of empathy that really shows pain, sorrow, damn it can almost make anyone cry!
    keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by Sam

    I really loved this, it was deep, it sends a lot of messages and it can reach a lot of people out there and make them maybe think of things. 5/5 AWESOME JOB!

  • 18 years ago

    by Nelle

    I really loved this poem..I have been in that situation before so i can kind of relate to this, it's not a fun position to be in, but normally any funeral isn't fun..I know many people who have wanted to kill them selves..some who actually have it's a very sad topic..I can't say i have never thought of it, hell i actually attempted it..but I guess what im trying to say is maybe This poem will tell me something, b/c it was great and very inspiring whether it is true or not, i loved it 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Krissey

    Well the line that the above people have pointed out...I'd have to disagree..I didn't think there was anything wrong with it...this poem was about suicide and the line "No one knew the pain she endured" was just simply stating that she was holding to much pain and stress which know one knew of and it led to the funeral..I followed..but I do understand them saying that she didn't know of the pain it had on her mourners

    I hate poems of suicide (although I like how you wrote this and still give you a five) just makes me scared to think of a friend or myself dieing...bone chilling write!

  • 18 years ago

    by Melissa S. Masucci

    Very good and deep. You do a great job of conveying an entire story in two stanzas... great job.

  • 18 years ago

    by Lady Vengeance

    It may be another poem about a fake smile and an unexpected suicide, but you made it special. absolutely brilliant.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jackie Marie

    I like how you repeated "She was only 15"

    It is a very sad poem. It is very sad because alot of people go through life being upset and sad all through their life but no one knows it. Just like you described in the poem. Good job hunn.
