Hearts Of Men(Look Back On What You Do)

by The Nameless Poet   Jul 7, 2006

I came home expecting a “hey baby, how was your day”,
Instead I get the opposite of what I thought you might say,
“Where you been, why didn’t you call I was waiting by the phone all day”
Here I am thinking, “what did I do to get her reacting this way”,
Hey baby wait, what’s all this fussing about?
Why you being so upset, arguing with me, straight cussing me out.
She saying, “you don’t even know how to be a man, you still just a child,
Can’t take care of your girl, while I’m here at home you out being wild,
I got a life to”, “yes I know and I’m not stopping you from having it,
You can go out, in fact we can go out together, but I still don’t get why you having these fits” she keeps calling me a jerk saying how I don’t treat her right,
Yet here she is calling me down, throwing things and I don’t treat her right.
Girl stop tripping, you just mad can’t you be happy with the things I do for you,
If you not happy then why you still here, you must be happy if you remaining true. See I have noticed you girls be acting up fussing over nothing, calling us men down constantly bugging, claiming that you’re the victim. And while you rage and remain screaming at us for no apparent reason, you’re the one being a jerk, treating us like nothing, act like we don’t got feelings, just please we ask except us for who we are, trust us for the things we do, cause no matter the things you choose we stay close, loving and holding you.


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