You and Me

by Beverly Chapman   Feb 27, 2004

The law says that
There cannot be
Cannot be
A you and me
No loving touched
Caressing my skin
No burning passion
From within
My love for you
That I must hide
Burns so brightly
Deep inside
Wrapped in your arms
Dead of night
Pure happiness was found
No pain, no fright
Twisting the blankets
That covered our bodies
The moments of ecstasy
My bodies true glory
Being with you
Has made you and I see
Who I truly am
Who I want to be
Your gentle kisses
Upon my neck and breast
Feeling our hearts
Beating rapidly in our chests
It was over too quickly
Though it lasted for hours
My body quivering
Surprised at the power
Of just one touch
Of just one kiss
The pure joy
I know I'll miss
'Til the next time I'm with you
Wrapped in your arms
The orgasmic pleasure
So very safe from harm
I'm surprised that no one
Else can see
My yearning for there
To be you and me


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