An Unknown Life (poetic short story)

by ADyingProphet   Jul 9, 2006

My life is as hopeless as a last leaf on a dying autumn tree;
being tormented by winter\'s winds and spring\'s passing.
My use in this world is as usless as a puppet with no strings with no master.
The world is just an illusion that keeps taunting me.
All my thoughts and emtions get entangled in the cowebs in my head, causing incoherrnet feelings.
My only friend are razorblades because my skin cries everytime they meet.
Living is just the slowest way to die espcially if the moral fabric of your life is woven with chaotic memories.

One night a dimly lit full moon peirces the sky with impending doom.
I stand before a forrest with sliced wrist and soles.
I treck my lifeless body a mile into the forrest leaving behind a goric trail of blood.
I lay beside a tree and let the blood pour out to form a moat around me.
An hour or two pass before sounds of breaking leaves and snapping twigs are heard.
Out of the darkest shadows,
came five rabid and hungry wolves.
I said \"Come babies, I bet you all are hungry.\"
My gentle voice seems to allure them closer.
Finally, they feast.
Feast on my body.
Eating away my memories and my soul.
I make no sound and I feel little.
I smile knowing that finally I had a use in this world.


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  • 17 years ago

    by imustsaygoodbye

    This poem is really good! i like the emotions delivered by this poem., keep up the good work!

  • 18 years ago

    by Destinys Pain

    This is a weally good poem. ur feelings are so well expressed. keep on writing!

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