The Cheater

by Eye Candy*   Jul 9, 2006

I dont know exactly why I do it,
But its about time I should declare it.
It happens every time,
I do not consider your feelings, only mine
I deny ever having cheated before,
Yet little do you know its happened every time before.
I dont do it on purpose, I promise
Or maybe I say it just to be modest?

Its a reparative pattern I cant seem to end,
And maybe in no way want to mend?
It happens so uncontrollably fast,
Then so hastily becomes something of the past.
I know you dont miss a thing
yet it confuses me why you dont say anything?

You give me your whole heart,
And thats were all the cheating starts.
I know it destroys you inside,
Knowing that its strong feelings I hide.
It seems once I know you have fallen for me
I take the risk of just letting things be.

They say if you are the flame, you cannot be burnt,
I guess thats why I never get hurt
So this is my moment, my moment of truth,
I have confessed and you given you proof.
I know you love me, maybe that is why
Every night you lay awake and cry?

Accept me for who I am and will always be,
Stick with me because of your love for me.
I will love you day in and day out,
And never give up without a fight.
So this is me and you and you and me
The couple despite my fault that will always and forever be!

Please comment!! it would mean so much u dont understand!


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