This Love's Suicide

by TinyDancer46   Jul 10, 2006

Rip away my bleeding heart
Right from this very chest
For when it comes to killing me
You do it very best

Tear away this broken soul
And darling, do it fast
Snatch away the world we had
That somehow couldn't last

Haunt me with the memories
From our relationship
Kill me with your gentle kiss
That lingers on these lips

Darken all my happy dreams
By haunting me each night
Blackening what's left of me
And ending what was right

Darling, just keep killing me
That's all that's left to do
For death is so much easier
Than living without you


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  • 17 years ago

    by Nikkicola

    Haunt me with the memories
    From our relationship
    Kill me with your gentle kiss
    That lingers on these lips

    This is my favorite part in the whole thing. I love it because it means so much to me.

  • 17 years ago

    by Absolute Broken Perfection

    The flow of this is indescribable, it really pulls me in and grabs every once of my attention.
    Amazing, 5/5.

  • 17 years ago

    by Shane

    Terribly clever, a feeling I have too often experienced captured well with words.

    Thanks for the comment btw, I haven't been on this in ages and I thought you might have vanished as well. Great to hear from you =)

  • 18 years ago

    by Nee

    Another beautiful poem of yours ;)
    last stanza was perfectly written =)

    very great poem sweetness, I can so relate to this!
    happy for you
    NemO xxxxxxxxxxx

  • 18 years ago

    by Shannon Loter

    I am so envious of your talent...

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