Love doesn't live here anymore.
It moved away, broken and abused,all because the pain of unreturned feelings and emotions outweighed the memories of laughter and happiness.
Understanding is unavailable at the moment.
Kindness shows up only, when and if it can serve it's own selfish purposes.
Patience has become an immoral and faulty trait.
Love is greatly missed and desperately sought! Tears flow like a great downpour of rain. Seems that Love now has a price, and my lost and lonely soul is too much to pay!
Whatever happened to Romance? Well, I guess it's flat broke and unemployed, probaly "dead-dog" drunk in the alley behind the church, all alone and wondering where Love is nowadays.
Sorry all matters of the Heart must either be put on hold, or broken one knows where to find Love or Romance!
Only Loneliness and Despair hang around here now.
You could try to find them but it is near impossible! They obviously don't want to be found. They have all been abused and want to be left alone. If you are lucky, they will find you....when THEY THINK YOU ARE READY