Puppy love

by ivan070   Jul 10, 2006

I gazed at her bright eyes;
And her reply was a warm smile;
I was weak and hapless;
But deeply infatuated;
I could not conceal my admiration;

I was possessed by my passion;
and attracted by her innocence;
My affection was intense but pure;
And I sense the same from her;
The feeling was pleasant and gratifying;

Cupid may have strucked;
But I needed the courage;
To pour my heart out to her;

She told me that I am an adorable child;
and she seeks to understand me better;

She said that it was her pleasure to meet a talented and intelligent man;

She invited me to see the little stream at the valley;
We walked bare footed and picked petals of wild flowers;

She gently strummed the guitar and hummed unto me "Lilies of the Valley";

I knew that the time has come;
and my feelings was right;

I touched her hands with the tips of my fingers;

And expressed my affection for her;

I see a blush in her face accompanied by a sweet smile;

I knew for sure that my puppy love has started...


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