YOu make me hate me
more and more each day
you do not like me for who i am
i am tired of playing this game
Its to the point
where i do not know what to say
Im so p@*&ed off because of all of this
Why dont you juss go away
Your the cause of my anger and attitude
Why dont you actually do something instead of b**ch at me!
.....Maybe get a job
Dad would really apreciate it
YOu mean so much to us mom
Why cant you see that the alcohol is what is tearing us apart
Dad tries so hard to do his best..
and when you drink all you do is put us down..
make us feel useless
...your the useless one..stop taking it out on everyone becuase you feel the way you do about your self..Your never want to help
or go to our school things
You act like you care
but then you pick up the bottle agian
mom,its not me thats the problem ,its you.
give up already
because im through.