Cuts broke my promise

by Jenie   Jul 10, 2006

(i promised my newest love to stop my cutting...i messed up. he found out....)

I saw fury in his eyes
I heard pain in his words
I cried lightly to myself
tears fell slowly out of my red dry eyes
to him all I could do was apologize

I gave him my word
it was a promise to him I broke
thats why we sat there in silence
I was too ashamed to talk
so no one spoke

he grabbed my wrist with pain
squeezed it so hard I thought it would bleed again
I figured there`d be soon red rain
he was so mad yet sad
he wants nothing to happen to me
wants me to be pain free

I promised to stop my cutting
never again would I cut
but I picked up that blade
thats where my broken promise comes into play
it was then and there...It was betrayed

he is so gentle and caring though
for he forgave me right away
he promised he`ll help me through it
even if it takes forever, while going slow
thank god it wasn’t his trust that was betrayed!

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  • 17 years ago

    by lonelydreamer

    I love your poem. the same thing happened to me. great poem