Comments : Xx_Far From Perfect_xX

  • 18 years ago

    by Purple

    Great poem and even better expressoin of emotoin. It was calm, with a mixture of sadness and contentness. At one point it's as if you say 'I'll be okay' then you say 'And then I won't be okay'. A subject many people can relate to written with greate natural flow, the only suggestoin I could make is brake it up into stanza's. Stanza's make poems look and feel more orginized, this just seems highly natural feeling so the non-stanza facter doesn't effect it as much. I gave it a 5/5. Keep being you, and remember no one's perfect no matter what they want you to believe.

  • 18 years ago

    by aknives sweet kiss

    Great Poem its so good and
    ~love ya like a sis~

  • 18 years ago

    by Kyra

    Hey i like this alot it has heaps of felling i can relate to being less than perfect.

  • 18 years ago

    by The Lonely Rose

    Well no one is perfect ppl make mistakes......good poem though..