Teenage Drama Wh(*)re

by Emmah   Jul 11, 2006

Tears escape my swollen eyes
My lips tremble with silent cries
Another cut upon my wrist
Just another curve and twist
Holding back screams of pain
choking on my tears of shame
Dark crimson splattered the wall
Another cut and I just might fall
But what the hell, what's there to lose?
Except my life..It's this I choose
Making patterns across my arm
Not upset anymore completely calm
Your face in the mirror; the last thing I saw
Before my body hit the cold hard floor
Waking up in a hospital bed
Not completely alive but not yet dead
And this is what one doctor said;
"Another teenage drama queen & failed suicide attempt".


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  • 15 years ago

    by Jubb Jubb

    I liked it, very well written and good flow.
    i've visited the suicide ward before lol, i see exactly what youre talking about. cool poem 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by dale

    That is very good, you are a very good writer. you can write very good keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by Michelle

    I've never heard a poem like this. Its really good. Keep up the good writing. And idk if this is based on a true story or anything. . . but if it is, just hang in there and stay strong.

  • 18 years ago

    by Tina Carr AKA Snickers

    Teenage drama sucks.
    No fun!
    But hey... you got a really good poem out of it! Haha...

    < 3