by UnToLd TrUtH
Wow this is so good! |
by Shawna
Wow. This is such a sad, emotional poem. The first stanza was my favorite, I love the adjectives you used!! 5/5 |
by Darien
Such a powerful poem, packed with emotion. I gripped my mouse really hard at some parts. Intense. It's horrible to hear these storries. Thanks for the read. |
by Chris
This was very original and i liked all the emotions in it ...very strong 5/5 |
by nikki
Oh that was so sad but it had great imagry it was awesome good job 5/5 |
Caitlin -- |
Wow---this is so deep and powerful. Very well written! The flow is perfect-This is so sad and I like the format of the poem and the way you worded it-Great job-I love it! 5/5 |
by SweetxMisery
I dont think people understand just how much abuse can affect a person and no matter how much you tell yourself its just one more day or how much you drink until you black out. It doesnt matter because it happened and when you wake-up in the morning it's still there..scars dont go away. |
I love this one! I could feel the pain and the emotion! Keep up the good writing! |