Quiet as a mouse

by Melissa   Jul 11, 2006

The shy poet
carries a mouthful of words
in her back pocket,
sometimes she neatly folds them
into tiny little stars
and makes paper wishes
on the blank midnight sky

She has much to say,
though her teeth are dressed in barbed wire
and her vocal cords
were ferociously struck by lightening,
now that bashful tongue lays twisted
and chained to the dingy floor,
pathetically tangled around a poem

Lately she's been chewing on cigarette butts
and ink pens for fun,
yet she hides her soul
in a scruffy old backpack
so the hands of angels
can quickly discard her silly thoughts
before any mortal can see through
her own translucent shell

(as if she were an open book)


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by John Long

    Sublime imagery throughout but especially the first verse. Keep those words coming through the barbed wire!

  • 17 years ago

    by Katie

    What an amazing write - You have so cleverly used language to paint so vivid and real a pictre - well done
    K xx

  • 18 years ago

    by PS

    Hey this is excellent i love the end.

    can quickly discard her silly thoughts
    before any mortal can see through
    her own translucent shell

    great job!

  • Wow. Such a lovely poem. This was amazing. Loved your choice of wording. It was great. Keep it up! 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by limp

    You're my favourite poet on this site ! :]

    though her teeth are dressed in barbed wire

    is my favourite line.x