Celestial sessions are
Where God decides cases
On men and destinies.
\'Let all be black now! \'
Curtains open on mysterious light,
Halo of halos,
Radiance of celestial grace,
God is on the throne;
All hail!
\'Let Angel Michael approach
The Holy of Holies.\'
Angelic choirs ring out their voices,
Holy holy holy,
Lord God Almighty,
The earth is full of
Your astonishing beauty;
You formed the Plaides
And Orion - who can compare
To you?
The glassy sea tries
To encapsulate your
Divine presence and fails.
God, you are indeed
A sight to behold.
Halts for the deity,
Bows to his throne
Kisses his feet;
Rays of imperceptible light,
God is enthroned
On the sun
With the moon for rainment;
His empire stretches
From sea to sea;
North, where the cold kills
But Eskimos bear it;
East, where ideologies
Conflict with one another
But Muslims pray still;
West, where technology takes leaps
As Bill Gates sits
Tight on Microsoft;
South, where aborigines
Are chased off their land
By forces tougher than they.
God saw Tsunami wobble
On the pillars that hold
The earth up.
God saw the soldiers stake children in Dafur,
But he is God
And no one can
Question him.
All around me is beauty
In his divine presence;
Of silver from the sleek sea,
In there the fish
Are similarly singing
Praise to this munificent deity;
His name is extolled
Over all the earth,
On his head is the crown
Of a million eons
And beyond;
He alone knows it all;
He saw best how the Tuareg crossed the Sahara
And Armstrong landed on the moon;
God is the chief deity,
He sits enthroned still
On his pavilion
On the sun;
Ring out your joy
And let the melody endure
For our God,
Then hush
As the celestial session
Approach you suppliant.
My lord
I am an orphan,
My father is dead
And my mother too.
Celestial secretaries pen this
Before our God.
You say you are an orphan?
Yes my lord,
I suppose you know that -
You have no right to suggest to
The Lord.
Rise in your splendour,
Lord God of hosts,
Let them know they are only men;
But the Lord is slow to anger,
Abounding in love.
As I was saying -
Forget what you were saying
Bring your matter
Before our God,
We know you lost your parents
Pretty young
And Freud has said
It is a catastrophe.
What now is the matter?
Thank you my lord,
I see the session
Proceeds swiftly;
I am destitute.
Is that all;
And what about that,
What serves your destitution?
It is the so-called
Uncles you gave me,
They have pushed me off
In envy.
Thunderous sounds,
The celestials jump,
I block my ears
And quake in terror;
What was that!
Hold it - our God laughs,
But he is done now,
You may go on.
Why laugh, my lord?
You say your uncles
Pushed you off,
I dare say you ran away!
Alright, suit yourself,
Maybe I did;
They made life unbearable.
And now?
Well, you gave me a scholarship -
That obviously you have used up,
And now you whine;
Tell me, O court,
Is this son of mine not extravagant?
No my lord,
I will speak in my defense
Lest the accuser of our brethren
Take it upon himself to answer
Your quiz -
No, spare me the intricacies
I pray you -
Huhn? God begs a man,
Celestial courts are in turmoil!
Be brief then
What is your request?
I want money,
Lots of it.
To be a man,
To hack my enemies
To the cheekbone,
To build a house to my
To gather my siblings together
To my mother.
All good.
Celestial session approves;
You shall have
What you crave.
But how, Lord,
How shall I get the money,
Through some miracle?
You have talents,
Skills, proclivities - you know,
Go use them;
My world is perfect,
I try to tell my critics that;
In the soil
At strategic points
I have hidden treasure,
You will have to find it;
I for my part
Will make sure you succeed.
I see.
Well, well, son;
Now you see.
Yes my lord?
Go see to it
That he has
All he asks.
Thank you my lord,
You are my
Dark thickens
And my reverie ends;
Have I truly
Been to heaven and back?
O celestial trance
I am in your awe
I have never been this filled
With stupendous wonder
At the proud power
That is our God\'s,
But now I know.