When silence matters most:

by ivan070   Jul 12, 2006

When we are in an instance of low mood;

OR when our minds are deeply irritated;

Remember that the rule of the thumb is;

Patience and intelligence are essential;

When we express our inner thoughts and views;

Ensure that no harm is done, no one is hurt;

No matter how Stormy and broken our hearts is,

How hurt we are and how bitter the condition is;

Speaking our minds may at times hurt us more;

Wisdom must always prevail, mind over matter;

Silence and patience must be preserved at all cost;

Prevent the occurrence of chaos,bickering and trouble;

Allow time to heal your problems on its own gradually;

Or find a better time to express yourself clearly;

Slowly but surely an amenable solution will arise;

Enjoy a few moments of silence and organize yourself;

For that moment of impatience or rash behavior;

Misunderstandings may arise and good ties be severed ;

A good friendships may be lost and buried forever ...


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