One Day You Asked Me

by Truest Lies   Jul 12, 2006

One day you asked me why I never smile,
And I tried to tell you why,
But the words didn't come out right,
And I might have told a lie.
You must listen closer,
To what I say,
There is a hidden meaning,
I hide from you,

I am crying,
Because of pain,
These tears I never let you see,
The fears I store inside my brain.
I am crying because I'm scared,
If you knew the world like I do,
You would cry too,
Because it only takes a moment,
To completely crush you.

One day you asked me why I never smile,
But I couldn't say,
I've never told anyone,
To this very day.
If I let it all out,
Where would it go,
No doubt the fear would creep into another's soul,
I really don't know.

I'm crying,
Because of loss,
Though you think it's easy,
I miss him so much.
I am crying inside,
So that you don't see,
A thousand tears that have,
Welled up in me.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Blah Blah Blahhhh

    I realy like this one :]]

    i know how you feel its not easy hiding your emotinons t othe world and only thinking you only have yourself to turn to

  • 18 years ago

    by Drunke

    Wow i was looking at all your poems and this one means something to me the most. i completely understand it and i love it! all your work is awesome! keep it up...i have a ton of poems i just never have the time to put them

  • 18 years ago

    by Rocky

    That was a really good poem loved the imagery. keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    Another great poem with great feelings showed, you are a very talented poet.

  • 18 years ago

    by *Wishes do come true*

    Wow what a beautifel powerful poem....i really enjoyed reading this...your a good writer keep it up i hope you have a smile on ur face u deserve i smile when people leave comments lol