Still Holding On...

by My Life Will Never Be The Same   Jul 12, 2006

Still holding on to you,
Still wishing you were mine.
Even though I found someone else,
You are still on my mind.

Still not wanting to let you go,
Wishing I had you by my side.
Why do I have all these feelings,
And try so hard to make them hide.

I'm trying to make myself stop loving you,
I really want to move on.
But would it be best,
If you were really gone.

Gone and out of my life,
If I really let you go.
Would that really make me happy?
Make me stop loving you so.

I wonder why I still feel this way,
Why I continue to hold on tight.
I think about you during the day,
And sometimes when I'm holding my pillow at night.

Please just tell me you love me still,
And tell me that is true.
Let me know it's OK,
For me to still be in love with you...
OK all of you that know me know who this poem is to..I still love him but I'm falling for someone else and it is confusing me so much.. I don't know what to do sometimes.. I was with my ex for almost 2 years..I don't know how to just let him go...Even though I found someone else it doesn't mean anything..Please please please comment or vote..Thank you to everyone that does..
Much love,


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  • 18 years ago

    by Angel Of Death

    I love this poem heaps! totally know what your goin thru with this one, and thanx for all your comments on my poems 2, means heaps! keep writin

  • 18 years ago

    by Brooke

    Crys, hey girl, I'm sorry you're still hurtin from all this, I wish I could take the pain, the confusion away. It really isn't fair!! The poem is amazing though!! Just like all of your others. But I want you to know, just like you said to me, I'm still here, even though things got rough for us, things will always be ok, we'll always be friends!! Ok? Hold on... time will heal all (hopefully)

  • 18 years ago

    by Han84

    Hey sweet
    really good poem it sent shiver up me arms...
    coz im wishing and wanting like this poem.. but also i want my ex to not leave n stay with me.. but things happen!

  • 18 years ago

    by dora

    Hery darl havent spoken in a while. a very touching piece. lots of mixed emotions if u need netng let me no talk soon xx

  • 18 years ago

    by AlexAndra

    That poem was really good...!! i totally know how u feel..!!! i dated my x for over two years.. and it is really hard to let him go.. and now i am with someone else .. but i still think " what if" if i were with him still to this day.. break ups are hard.. and if he was ur first long .. relationship.. i know exactly how you feel!!! keep writting!!

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