
by xlovelyxdespairx   Jul 13, 2006

I'm the one trapped inside a cage,
while others turn the page,
they lock the door tight,
while I'm left alone in the night,
I stand in discomfort alone and still,
wondering if this h*** is real,
I've noticed they do not see,
what a monster they have made of me,
I live my life alone,
with nothing to call my own


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  • 18 years ago

    by FindingGestalt

    I loved this poem, it flowed so well and it makes me feel at home because I don't feel so alone knowing that there are other people that feel the same as I do.

  • 18 years ago

    by Vikas Tapan Bhadra

    I read your poems and liked this one at times i feel if people understood that poets be it male or female are sober people whom the opposite sex needs to approach first for words will always accompany them what is missing is ample amount of love in their life

  • 18 years ago

    by Thoughtless Consideration

    All of your poems are amazing. I love this.... you are such a great poet, really. This is great. The words flow together so perfectly. Good job
    -Out of Her Mind

  • 18 years ago

    by Maxter

    Wow, such talent from a walker of darkness.

  • 18 years ago

    by ...Rýáñ...

    Really good :)
    I really like your writing

    Ryan XO

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