Drown them out

by BehindThisSmilex   Jul 15, 2006

Turning up the stereo
to drown out the sounds
the arguing and screaming
the complaining and breaking
their at it again
the constant fighting
thats never ending
obviously they don't see
that its hurting me
every night
every day
theres a new problem
a new reason to argue
they don't see what i have become
they don't even try
to understand me
I'm the daughter
who doesn't love her parents
a sister
who cant trust the rest
a girlfriend
who cant stick to her words
and a child
in a world
with no one to explain herself to
when i talk
no one wants to listen
no one can help me
no one can change me
i feel so alone
in this big world of lies
no one to talk to
no one to understand
its just me against the world
can i do it on my own?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Hey hunni, wow thats hard to read, really strong feelings. the ending nearly got me crying. im sorry you feel this way hunni but your not alone, please take kare and contact me if you feel you need to talk x x x x x

  • 18 years ago

    by Creatingtime

    Wow. This poem is just so deep and tugs at emotions- I could totally connect with it. Fantastic.
    If this is about you, then everything will be okay someday. Trust me.
    Wonderful poem. You really are a fantastic poet.

  • 18 years ago

    by Lying To Live

    Awesome work .. that was amazing ... biut i hope youa re ok and none of this is true ... remember :D smile it suits you :D

    XoX *~Smile_Full_Of_Lies~*

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