Night Poet

by ntv650   Jul 15, 2006

I am one of those that do not sleep,
Instead I sit at my wooden desk awake.
And I spend my time writing poems
Songs and plays for no-one but me.

I barely live through the day,
But dwell in the night's solace.
Patiently waiting for a word
Or if I am quite so lucky... two.

Sure enough I eventually write,
Often switching myself off from life.
And the stream only stops to flow
When I have writ all my heart and soul.

If I had a choice I would never stop,
Make night the only witness to my words.
There are no places of eternal dark
Where it can be quite so bold as the night.

That's why I am the one that doesn't sleep,
More than this I live a life of two just for me.
Living the name of my own during the day
And living as the 'night poet' when light fades...


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  • 15 years ago

    by kalelrobin

    Woah , that is deep. You bring out the essence of being a poet and why write we poetry . Yeah , your poem just exactly describes it. You got my vote- cool.

  • 17 years ago

    by dawn green

    Nice write! keep up the good work!
    god bless!

  • 17 years ago

    by xXxDarkDreamerxXx

    If I had a choice I would never stop,
    Woah! Deep! great poem!

    Make night the only witness to my words.
    There are no places of eternal dark
    Where it can be quite so bold as the night.

    i liked this part..i can relate to waht u say!

  • 18 years ago

    by Hannah Emellia

    Oohh. That's really pretty. Very nice.

  • 18 years ago

    by Lovely Bones

    Like the person above me said, it was a very comforting poem. There was just somethign about it that was so true, comforting and peaceful. I guess the words came to you in one of those peaceful, dream-like moments. I love the imagery especially. Nice job!