Raindrops of shimmering possibilities falling softly
To miraculously transform in the endless sea of Quiddity.
Spreading ripples of what might be
Through the everlasting waters of what life is.
Disturbing the stillness
with endless waves of fractal infinity.
Aspiring dreams
gently lapping on shores of rising complexity,
Each soul descending like angels fingers on rainbow strings.
Calling forth glorious notes from heavenly harps
Teardrops of joy fall over the Creators creations
Becoming a fine mist of unconditional love
descending on wings of change through seasons of rebirth.
Returning to immortalitys heart
The fury of the storm fades away
in the dawn of understanding
Till the trickle of hope becomes a blissful deluge
of life's simple blessings.
The mighty power of the tempest surrenders
in a majestic stream of kaleidoscopic colors covenant.
Unwavering tides
carry delicate whispers across the horizon
As an offering to the life giving rays of the sun
Be still...
You are born anew