If I were to tell you I loved you
Would you want to love me and stay
Or would you want to go far away
If I let you in on my feelings
Would you love me back the same
Or let me lose at this game
If I told you how much I want you
Would you reach for me and want my touch
Or would you push me away and say it was too much
If I were to just kiss you
Would I get kissed in return
Or would I be left with that yearn
If I were to shower you with affection
Would you give me hugs and kisses
Or leave me with tears and misses
If I were to caress your face
Would you take hold of my hand
Or push it away and make me understand
If I were to tell you to be mine
Would you say yes
Or tell me you have nothing to confess
If I were to tell you I care
Would you say that you cared back
Or just start talking smack
If I were to ask you to marry me
Would you put a ring on my hand
Or issue me an emotional reprimand
If I were to tell you I've always loved you
Would you say your love is underlying
Or that your love for me is dying
If I wanted to be your love
Would you say lets just be friends
Or promise to love me until life's end