Born into...
a world with many faces
a world with various places
a world with different races
a world with differences
Born into...
a world with hidden faces
a world with lonely places
a world with prejudicial races
a world with unaccepted differences
Opened up...
to a world of choices
to unspoken voices
to 'music to your ears' noises
to how people see us through our guises
Opened up...
to too many choices
to a head of negative voices
to disturbing noises
to internal coverage with masks and guises
by my perception
by my rejection
by my life's direction
by my lack of motivation
by society's perception
by men's rejection
by life's imperfect direction
by your push and shove motivation
this life so ordinary
this life I lived as a visionary
this life where of change we are weary
this life surrounded by people, it's not scary
this life less than ordinary
this life the destroyed the dream of the visionary
this life of everything different we are weary
this life all alone, it's so scary
into this world
Opened up...
to this world
by this world
this world