So quickly gone

by See Through Silouette   Jul 19, 2006

How quickly life can change us.
When the hours just pass by
And our focus changes.
When there is no God, heaven, or hell.
There is just "now", and then there is "gone"
Confiding in my empty soul.
I forgot how to cry.
Falling to pieces.
Scared to live...Not to death, it doesn't scare me anymore.
Trapped in this hourglass falling with everyone else.
Judge me.
No one cares.
No one matters.
The yelling drowns out the pattern of my screams.
I wanna be bad.
I yearn for the teenage solution....but teens never find one.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Bekka Smekka

    Great poem!! Very true but i don't think alot would understand the message. great writing!!

  • 18 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    !!! that poem was very nice and I enjoyed reading it
    Its poems like these that make me happy I happened to come upon them
    Great job and keep writing porfavor (please, haha)

    If you could please read/rate my poem Classic Love Song, I appreciate it
    I return the favor if you comment back

  • 18 years ago

    by .::Lovely*Letdown::.

    "The yelling drowns out the pattern of my screams"...LOVE's my favorite part! (this is jessie by the way) haha...i miss u girlie...we should hang out this weekend...we haven't had just Josie time in awhilel! lol I HEART U LOVELY!! xoxo
    p.s. will you be my date for homecoming? haha jk lol but we are going together right? cuz im confused on the whole who we're going with thing haha

  • 18 years ago

    by .::Lovely*Letdown::.

    Haha dude...i just read ur comment from my other poem saying "we're gonna have so much fun on the retreat!!" YEAH RIGHT! lol i had fun with YOU dude...that ice cream was effing AMAZING! lol i have never tasted anything so incredible in my entire life! haha...we were PRETTY cracked it was fun when i was just with u..but everything else SUCKED! haha im so glad we're home! good poem..AGAIN! lol luv u!! xoxoxox

  • 18 years ago

    by .::Lovely*Letdown::.

    True true...i feel u dog! lol i know i already commented this one...but i wanted to again...because basically this poem is amazing...and YOU'RE amazing...and also...i'm extremely bored and that has a lot to do with it! lol Hey Jov..."remember that time when you tried to fit in the floaty with me at the pool?" hahahah we are such DORKS!! lol even though that was just today...haha i love you more than...umm...peanut butter loves jelly!! lol oh yeah...and i wrote a new poem...not the one u commented it's a different u should check it out...even though it pretty much SUCKS compared to ALL your writing! lol
    "hopes to be like you-o-o" (haha ur funny lol)!!
    Hearts foreva and eva!!