by Wings Of Flames Jul 20, 2006
category :
Dark, fantasy /
dark, horror
Into my sub-conscious mind, |
Another really good piece. Fantastic in fact! My favorite stanza was the first one, though I'm not sure why I'm afraid, maybe it's the flow. There were a few lines I love, like 'For my yesterdays to last', 'For it's me I shall defeat' and 'I shall see no light of day'. I think I'm a big fan of the word 'shall' in general, because it feels poetic to me. |
by Antithesis
Great poem..brings out all the feelings and makes it seem sureal.good job. |
Holy moly, you have such talent! =0 I simply can not believe that this poem is less than a 5.0 and only has 126 visits. It's unreal. I loved it. 5/5 =] |
Amazing..flawless flow and rhythm...terrific plot and words were absolutely great...theres no way to pick this apart and criticize it...phenomenal...thx for ur comment |
Wow...Not much I can really say here...It flowed really well, emotional, deep...Everything a good poem has lol. 5/5 =) xoox |