Fancy feeling like this!

by ღ_Bethany_ღ   Jul 20, 2006

I know you fancy me
and I think I fancy you
but I dunno you see
cos I fancy someone else too
the problem is too many guys
and I don't know who to choose
every relationship has its highs
so which guy should I lose
I really like you alot
I don't know if you can tell
that I think you really are hot
but would we fit well
what if someone suits more
and once I've chosen you
then to them it closes the door
but what can I do
owell, I fancy lots of guys
but its love I'm looking for
will I ever find it? *sighs*
I always want more
well fancy feeling like this
well fancy isn't enough
well fancy feeling like this
I need someone I can love...


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