Broken Sky

by Danny   Jul 21, 2006

Looking out on a broken sky
Waiting for the sun to die
Then i see the flowers i lay
And change them each and everyday
I walk on out in the rain
My heart again feels the pain
Remembering your face my love
Knowing that your resting high above
I remember the time
The midnights clocks did chime
But still we walked in the park
Holding hands in the dark
With that love in your eyes
My heart aches and cries
Remembering the day he took my love
For his higher purpose up above
What could this purpose be
But only to torture me
I go back to looking out on a broken sky
Waiting for the sun to die


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  • 18 years ago

    by LovelyDivine

    Wow. that was beautiful, very sad, and very well written. good work.