Comments : How does one move on

  • 21 years ago

    by craig

    hi L. great poem you have here. you describe what it feels like to loose a true love, a companion of the heart, with such cutting descriptions. love the line `fragments of passion cutting from within` WOW thats brilliant. Fragments, those little momments together passing through your lonely mind `cutting from within` ive been there many a time. your poem brings back a lot of unwanted feelings and memorys which shows how good it is. and i like the optomistic ending even though it sounds like your heart dosent mean those words. Excellent poem. thanx for the kind words you said about my poem L. Iv known a few suicidal people in the past and thats where the idea came from, also an overactive! imagination helps(lol) thanx again for youre words. your comments are always welcome. 5outof5 topmarks!!!

  • 21 years ago

    by Brittany

    Hey thanx for commenting on my poem, I looked up your poem and found this one and just recently having my heart broken, this one really speaks to me, what a beautiful poem.... Feel free to email me. anytime you want to chat. Keeo writing I want to read more!