These last words that I heard from him made me cry.
They sounded like they were coming from a bell.Those words kept ringing in my ear,it was very clearly to me now.
Those words almost made me cry.It did broke my heart though.If only I could erase them from my memories,but it didn't work.
Tears are flowing down my eyes now.The colors of the tears are silver,because I just kept on thinking about the words that sounded like a bell.
Resting my eyes now.It might go away someday,but whenever I see you,it comes back to haunt me.
Lying here my eyes are about to close.No more memories and no more worries.Someday it'll just be gone forever.Now I have to say good night.Don't be afraid.Another day will come and we will still live.
My favorite line was "They sounded like they were coming from a bell.Those words kept ringing in my ear,it was very clearly to me now."
I really like how you put that together! Alright. Good JOb!